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  • That time my Math teacher took her boot off and I almost missed it

    I’ve had a few female teachers during my time in school. One teacher was a 25-ish year old blonde.. She taught business and Math and she always dressed kind of business like. She would wear those kind of pants suit outfits or at least those kinds of trousers. Sometimes she would wear shoes and sometimes she would wear boots. When she wore shoes they usually looked like this:

    and when she wore these shoes they would usually be accompanied with black socks or navy socks. One time she was wearing these kind of shoes and while sitting on a desk with her feet on the chair I could see that she was wearing black socks but with green heels (it’s possible that the toes were green too).

    Sometimes she also wore flats and there were occasions where she would pop them and dangle them under her desk. Never quite kicked them off completely though.

    She also wore boots a lot of the time. The ones I remember her wearing looked kind of like this:

    I remember one occasion where she got new boots that kind of looked like this but black:

    They were pull on (no zip) and she kept knocking her heel against the ground and popping her ankle out. She would then reach down to pull the boot back on. You could hear the sound of her foot slotting back into place. Unfortunately the boot never came off so that her foot was visible.

    I was always curious as to what kind of socks she wore under her boots. Did she go for black socks as they were more formal or did she care since they weren’t visible.

    One day in class I was sitting at the top of the class to her left. We must have been doing some math problems because I had my head down.

    Then for some reason I looked up and over in her direction to notice her reaching down. She had already started unzipping her boot and it looked like she was trying to adjust her sock. She was trying to do it without taking the boot off but seemed to give up and pull the boot off completely and then proceeded to adjust the sock. She seemed to need to pull it up. It must have been slipping off. It seemed to happen in a split second and it was about 15 years ago now so I can’t remember exactly what her sock looked like. I do know though that it was white and seemed like some kind of sweat sock as opposed to a dress sock. It also seemed to have some green on it perhaps a logo. In fact it might have looked similar to this only thicker and longer:

    So that’s the story of the time my teacher took her boot off in class to adjust her sock. What a moment!


    2 responses to “That time my Math teacher took her boot off and I almost missed it”

    1. Brandon Chaudoin Avatar
      Brandon Chaudoin

      Very nice story. Thank you for sharing this with us. I had a teacher similar to yours, but she was my Sex Ed teacher. She never really dressed professionally, she always wore regular everyday clothes. An occasion I remember (vaguely), it was during a test. I finished early cause it was fairly easy. I was reading a book I had brought with me. For some reason I decided to look up in her direction and she was kicking off her sneakers, revealing her white socks (I think she had her socks over her pant legs) and she walked around class in her socks for a while. I think she ended up putting her sneakers back on after a bit.


    2. Chris Avatar

      What a good story, I feel totally identified, because at some stage of my childhood I had teachers who often saw them in black socks. I remember two teachers who gave me computer classes, one was a lady of about 40 years of age or so, she always wore shoes similar to military-style patent leather, but they were not patent, so it was easy to see her black socks, then That teacher was replaced by a younger one, around 25 years old or less, who I always saw in black socks, with open low-heeled shoes, I later saw herself in 2000s-style high-heeled boots and I assumed that underneath she was wearing the same black socks that I saw her with on other occasions. This was almost 20 years ago (2003 and 2004). Another similar story is from the memories I have of the university, about 10 years ago, I saw more than one classmate and from other courses in black socks, I saw more than one take off her open executive-style shoe, and massaging her foot covered in the beautiful black sock, it was the best to see that live.


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  • The Ninetwo Bee Channel – A brief history of some of my experiences that lead me to making the channel

    For as long as I can remember, I always had a fascination with women wearing socks. Everyone, from my female teachers to female celebrities to random women on the street. I would look at women that were wearing boots and wonder what color socks are they wearing underneath? My personal favorite has always been black, so that’s what I would hope for, even if I didn’t get to see them. I’m not sure where this fascination came from, but I’ve had it for as long as I can remember.

    I remember when I was in primary school, I had a few different female teachers that were in their twenties. One in particular, a stunning blonde woman. She would wear black socks and low cut shoes. Sometimes she would wear boots, which shielded her socks from view. They were low enough though that sometimes, when she crossed her legs you would get a view of her black socks. I remember one time during P.E. she was wearing the same boots, they were brownish as far as I recall. The grass was wet and she didn’t have any proper “outdoor” shoes that day. In order to prevent her trousers from getting wet, she stuffed them into her black socks. It was pretty amazing to see. I remember one pupil made a humorous comment to her about it, though I didn’t quite hear what. I did hear her make a comment back looking at her socks and back at him and chuckling and replying “They’re lovely, aren’t they?”.

    I had this teacher for one year. For the whole year, I prayed that she might take her shoes off for some reason…any reason…to change them perhaps? I had seen teachers do this before for outdoor activities…to fix her sock maybe? Seen that before with other teachers. I even had a female teacher take her shoe off once to explain to the class what ankle socks were (she was wearing white ones). Unfortunately it never happened. I almost got there when she changed out of her boots into trainers but due to an ill-timed bathroom break, I missed the shoe change. (she may however, have done it out in her car anyway, not sure).

    Then sports day came and on sports day we often had bouncy castles and bouncy slides. You know, those inflatable structures where you have to take your shoes off to go on. Well, it was often customary that some of the female teachers might have a go. I’d seen some teachers do this before, since it was sports day, they wore white sweat socks. Now, I never saw this teacher do it, but this year I was lucky. I could see from the opposite end of the playground (we had a massive outdoor playground in our school) that one of the young teachers was beckoning the teacher of interest to have a go on the slide. I knew this was my chance so, I promptly made my way over to have a look (while making sure it wasn’t obvious that that was why I was heading in that direction). Sure, enough they go on the slide in their white socks, teacher of interest finally in her socks. She was wearing Nike or Adidas white socks. Unfortunately, they weren’t black socks, but I took what I could get.

    Sometimes she would wear shoes similar to these with black socks
    The boots my teacher would wear were similar to these.
    The teacher’s socks were similar to these on sports day.

    This is one of the earlier memories of where I really wanted to see a woman in their socks. I didn’t know why, I still don’t know. I didn’t even think there were other people that felt this way, after all, this was before internet!

    And speaking of without internet. I didn’t have internet until I was about 16 years old. So, how did you see ANY woman in socks in those days? Well you would hope if you were in a shoe store that there would be some woman trying on shoes. You would hope if you were watching TV that maybe there would be a scene where a female actress had her shoes off. Many a time you would come close but then the scene either cuts away just before the shoes come off or the feet are out of frame. Infuriating stuff. Then if you were lucky enough, it was likely the one and only time you would see the scene. (How many scenes have I lost to time?) It wasn’t as easy back then to recall clips at the drop of a hat. No internet, no streaming, no on demand.

    My mother watches a TV show called Coronation Street. I remember a new actress came into it when I was about 12. I developed a major crush for her. Not only because she was pretty, but also because she dressed unlike any woman I had seen before. She would wear really lovely tops. Tight jeans and knee high boots with the jeans stuffed inside (I had never seen this before). I hoped for a scene with her in socks. I hoped even more for a scene where she took her boots off to reveal her socks. Neither ever came. However, since I wasn’t particularly interested in soap operas, it was inevitable that I would miss a few episodes….and in some of those episodes she was in her socks…black socks. How would I know this if I missed it? Well during my regular routine of scouring tv shows and movies for video clips I found an old clip…and then I found an even better one about a year later. The actress’ name was Jenny Platt and she played a character callled Violet Wilson.

    Jenny Platt, my first celebrity crush

    So, internet came and I spent a few years, just hoarding images of anyone, but it was really celebrities I wanted to see. Unfortunately, it seemed no matter how refined my searching was, I could not find substantial images or videos of celebrity women in socks. You would find them here and there. One technique was to look up articles of celebrities going through airport security. And you would find some. Fergie and Hillary Duff, were 2 of the earliest I can remember. I think it was the frustration with finding these clips and images in one reliable place that sparked me to eventually create the channel.

    Eva Longoria forced to remove her shoes at airport security. This was one technique for finding images of Celebs in socks easily.

    I remember one night in January 2013, I was bored and admittedly, slightly drunk. I had recently ripped a video of Debbie Ryan having her boot pulled off. It was very quick but you could see a glimpse of her black ankle sock. There was also another clip of Debbie Ryan sped up trying on shoes and here you could get a slightly longer look at her socks. Now, it’s a long time ago (probably 10 years by the time this article is published), so I can’t remember when I acquired the video clips exactly i.e. was it the same night or a few nights before. But I do remember I uploaded the de-booting one first.

    The first 2 videos ever uploaded to Ninetwo Bee, featuring “Disney sweetheart, Debby Ryan

    I wasn’t planning on starting a channel or anything like that. I just did it on the spur of the moment. I created the channel, I filled in the details. The username that my channel has come to be known as was completely random. I literally typed the first thing that came to mind. “nine” “2” “bee” – nine2bee. (The name is completely meaningless. The channel name did change slightly later on when Google started enforcing that disastrous Facebook rival called Google+. They forced you to have a username that was a “real name”. So, I needed a first name and a surname. That’s when nine2bee became “Ninetwo Bee”). I uploaded the video, and went to bed. The next day I saw that the video got some views and some likes and so I uploaded the second one. Then I began to upload other clips that I had and that then became keeping an eye out for clips and now today, I’m actively looking for clips. I do this by basically picking a celeb, looking up their filmography, finding a show or film where they had a lead role, so as they have lots of screen time and scour the movie or TV show for “sock scenes”. With the power of streaming platforms, it has really become easier than ever to find clips of just about any celebrity. There are the one or two that are more elusive of course, Demi Lovato, is a personal favourite but images/clips of her in socks are few and far between. (From what I can see, she usually opts for black socks though, even as far back as her Disney career).

    The channel has grown quite a bit in 10 years. Not only is it my 10 year anniversary this year, but I also just completed the upload of my 500th video as well as hitting 7,000 subscribers. I did a few special videos to mark the occasion. My 500th video consisted of one of the earliest scenes I can remember of a woman wearing socks. A clip from George of the Jungle of Leslie Mann wearing white socks. My 10 year anniversary video consisted of something very special (for me at least). Basically, an entire compilation of Karen Gillan wearing black socks from one movie. I was trying to find clips of Karen Gillan like this for years. It was only when I bit the bullet and decided to go through her lead role movies that I found them.

    500th video
    10th anniversary video

    I’m surprised the channel has lasted this long. I thought the powers that be would have pulled it by now. I guess, it’s lasted because I don’t monetize the channel and allow the real copyright owners to claim ad revenue as they see fit, but who really knows, maybe I’m just lucky. I do wonder if the channel will ever get nuked. If it does, maybe it will be time to retire and pursue other interests. Until then, I’ll keep uploading clips. Let’s see if I can make another 10 years!

    3 responses to “The Ninetwo Bee Channel – A brief history of some of my experiences that lead me to making the channel”

    1. Jake william Avatar
      Jake william

      Thank you for such a great channel! I also have a thing for women in socks although my socks of choice are white lol.
      If you are able to, this season of the Goldbergs on abc has had in almost every episode a sene with socks. The sister on the show is the one. Check it out and hopefully we can see some clips posted!


      1. nine2bee Avatar

        Thanks for the suggestion. I’ll check it out.


      2. nine2bee Avatar

        I found some clips from the series. They will be on the channel in a few weeks.


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  • NineTwo Bee original channel art and profile pic

    To celebrate the channel turning 10 years old, I’ve updated the channel art and the profile pic to a more modern design.

    The new channel art featuring various celebrities wearing socks.
    The new profile picture is taken from one of the most viewed videos on my channel. See it below

    An amazing scenario occurred where Victoria Justice while on a talk show voluntarily removed her boot to see the boot’s brand as she couldn’t remember what it was. Imagine if she did remember? How lucky are we that she didn’t? She unzips the knee high boot, pulls is off and shows us her cute colourful leopard pink sock while giving us a cheeky smile.

    The old album art and profile picture consisted of some clips on my channel and some bits and pieces.

    Firstly the album art. It wasn’t the best in the world, I didn’t really know at the time how the dimensions worked on Youtube so I cobbled together something pretty basic. It was due a refresh to be fair. The left most image is lovely Victoria showing us that cute sock again as in the video above.

    The middle image is of Louise Redknapp and it’s from a Nintendo Wii advert. The clip is on my channel. You can see it below. I remember seeing that advert for the first time on TV. I couldn’t believe my eyes. A beautiful English woman wearing black socks, is a personal favourite scenario for me.

    Finally, the right most clip is of Kaley Cuoco. Since scenes of her in socks did not seem to appear much on that dreadful show “The Big Bang Theory” (I really hate it), I had to resort to finding an image of her going through airport security. This unfortunately is not a video clip but simply an image from the internet. I’ve share the original below along with some others from the same TSA encounter.

    The original channel art
    The middle image is taken from this Nintendo WII advert featuring the lovely Louise Redknapp.
    The right most picture was taken from images of Kaley Cuoco going through airport security, giving us a rare glimpse of her socks. The last image here is the one used in the channel art.

    14 Revisions

    Finally, the old youtube profile picture:

    This is from a clip of Eva Ricconobo, an Italian model, removing her boot and grey sock on a talk show. The clip is on my channel – one of the first clips I ever uploaded and can be viewed below:

    The clip from which the old profile pic was taken

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  • Shona McGarty black sock removed and foot massaged

    Probably the best clip I’ve found in a long time. The lovely Shona McGarty has her black sock removed and foot massaged. Initialy protesting that she does not like having her feet touched, she quickly admits that “it’s quite nice actually” and seems to melt. Later after being interrupted she has her sock returned to her at which point she puts it back on.
  • Diana Del Buffalo removes her boot and sock

    Today’s video is of Italian actress Diana Del Buffalo. In this clips she is on some kind of talk show where she removes her boot and pink sock. She remains with her boot and sock for the remainder of the clip.
  • The audio recording issue that has plagued my channel for nearly a year

    Most of the clips I upload I record, rather than download. Sometimes this is because it’s less time than downloading an entire episode of s show and sometimes it’s because I have no alternative way of doing it. (The clips I rip from English and Irish soaps are done this way for that reason).

    For a long time I had no issues with doing this, the clips came out fine and the sound was pretty decent. I used to use ActivePresenter but then that became so un-optimized that it became unusable. The browser would lock up and the video clips would constantly need to buffer due to the amount of processing being taken up by the application.

    So, when I finally upgraded my OS to Windows 10, I was pleasantly surprised to find that it comes with an in built screen capture software called XBOX Game bar. I was a little skeptical as to whether it would allow the recording of video clips but it worked like a charm. So easy to start up (You just need to hit windows key + G) and so easy to record with. There is also no need to process the clip afterwards and convert it to mp4 as with ActivePresenter whose raw output seemed to be some kind of weird slideshow.

    Now, I had no issues for a while but after taking a break from the channel and going back to collecting clips again, I noticed that sound was no longer recording. Strange? So, I did the usual googling, went to windows support pages. None were any help. I upgraded my drivers, changed audio devices, I even turned the mic on to see if I could capture sound that way, but that just captured the noise of my laptop fan. Eventually, I went back to ActivePresenter to see if a similar issue would occur…it did. So I put the issue down to some Windows bug (Windows is extremely buggy in general, I probably notice it more-so because I work in IT). and I gave up fixing the issue. That is why for the last year or so the majority of my uploads have not had any sound. But then I saw a great clip on TV tonight that I wanted to record later when it was released on the channel’s player site. The clips was so good, I really wanted to capture the sound as well.

    So, I decided once and for all that I was going to fix the issue. I wasn’t going to waste my time on Windows forums again because it’s been proven time and time again that Windows support is pretty clueless. I went to Reddit instead and sure enough the solution presented itself.

    So this is what xbox game bar looks like

    As you can see on the left, the audio is enabled and the different applications beneath have their audio enabled also. So, it should work right? No, turns out there’s one other very well hiddent setting that needs to be checked. And all the Windows forums I went to didn’t mention it. I had to go to Reddit and get the tip off some random commenter.

    One the top right hand corner, there is a cog icon i.e. settings, click on that. I’ve highlighted it in red below.

    Then under capturing, you need to select all

    So, basically, the reason it wasn’t working was because it was set to record gameplay only. I don’t know where this setting came from or how it got enabled because it used to work fine before. Just Windows being unintuitive as usual, I suppose.

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  • Sorcha Furlong wearing black socks

    Once again, a great clip of Irish actress Sorcha Furlong wearing black socks. This clip was broadcast today and it was so good, I had to share it immediately.
  • Zoey Deutch wearing blue socks

    Today’s video is of Zoey Deutch. I don’t know anything about this clip unfortunately as I just found it as it is on some discussion forum. Unfortunately, Youtube has also disabled embedded playback so it can only be viewed on Youtube itself.
  • In Conversation With Janelle Arthur

    A video on my channel was used in an article recently by Think Country. In an interview with Janelle Arthur. Part of the interview talks about how Nicki Minaj took her boots because she liked them so much. A video I had posted a few years ago from that moment was included to supplement it.

    The article

    The video

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  • Damla Sönmez wearing black socks

    Today I posted a bonus video of Damla Sönmez wearing black socks. It is froma Turkish soap opera. In the clip she injures her ankle and has her boot and black sock removed.

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